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Course Description

Before deciding on this health care career path, you must be aware of some of the important qualities that an operation theater technologist must possess. An operation theater tech needs to be very organized as well as conscientious, and must be mentally stable enough to work well under pressure in an operating room setting. A person employed in this occupation must be able to respond quickly to instructions and must know how to easily handle the many demands set upon them. Stress and operating room responsibilities go hand in hand.

This is an excellent time to study to become an Operation Theater technician. This occupation is one of the fastest growing of all occupations and is predicted to continue to grow as the number of surgeries performed on an annual basis goes up. This is due in  rise in the population and also to the fact that the average life span is increasing.

Most surgical technicians are employed in hospitals but growth is anticipated in other medical facilities such as outpatient care centers and ambulatory surgical centers.