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Course Description

It’s common for a doctor to order a blood test, take a tissue sample, or have other bodily fluids from a patient tested. But after you’ve given your two vials of blood and you may wonder where that sample actually went? And who is doing what to it?

Enter the medical lab technician (MLT). What is a medical lab technician, you ask? an MLT collects blood, tissue and other bodily substance samples and performs medical tests on them. These men and women work behind-the-scenes to help find cures, discover diseases and report important and potentially life-saving findings.

If you have a flair for science, an eye for detail and you love the idea of solving a medical mystery that could help save a life, you may be destined to become a medical lab technician! But before you sign on the dotted line, we have gathered some data and expert insight to give you behind-the-scenes look at this career.

Most medical lab technicians work at a general medical or surgical hospital, However, some work at medical laboratories. It’s important that they have good physical stamina because they often spend much of their day on their feet while testing lab samples.